Fernweh - a strong feeling of wanderlust

Have you woken up and been a bit bored of your routine? Or you might feel like the routine you're in is not what you are craving?
Following the Fernweh wants to give you a few ways to express that need to explore that you can do this week! We have 5 tips for YOU!
Do a quick search of areas to explore on your next weekend.
Just a google search may bring up a park, trail, overlook, or nature center you haven't been to yet. Part of this search may include you assessing how far you are willing to travel on a day trip. We like to keep day trips to a 2 hour one-way travel limit. Any further than that and we prefer to have a weekend stay.
2. Pick one!
Once you've done your research, pick one! Make a plan of all the stops you want to take, create an itinerary that you can follow, and hit the road when the weekend hits! This little change in your routine will help you feel refreshed and ready for the week ahead.
3. Create an adventure budget for the year.
This one can be challenging. What extra income do you have each month? How much can you afford to put back for your future adventures? This will guide how far, how extravagant, and what activities you will want to do on your next big trip. And it helps you stay on track for what is achievable!
4. Plan a big trip to look forward to.
Plan it! Look at your leave time from work. Look at what your calendar has coming up for the next year. And take the leap of faith and plan it! This will give you something to look forward to and plan for. If you are anything like us, you might even obsess over it. But it makes the dark days a little bit brighter.
5. Be inspired and go!
Go! Go on the weekend trip, go on the walk in the middle of the week, and go on the big vacation you're planning! We want you to be inspired to get out there and experience life. Live in the spirit of Following the Fernweh. We established this blog to inspire others to get outside and enjoy life. You can make the everyday extraordinary if you choose to. So be inspired and go!
As always,
Following the Fernweh