Green Friday is a "new" spin on the traditional Black Friday that is such a modern-day classic. Each year we notice more and more of the outdoor industry and recreational opportunities promoting public lands on what they are now calling "Green Friday" in an effort to push people outside.
In years past, I've been working a Rendezvous event where I worked previously. This year I was off work and had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with Park Interpreter Cathy at Village Creek State Park for their Green Friday event!

On this extravagant adventure, she took park visitors for a golf cart safari across the golf course. We explored what causes leaves to change during fall. Park Interpreter Cathy was funny, smart, warm, and inviting to EVERYONE who came. This was truly a place where you were welcome no matter your background!
Once we learned why leaves change colors (the sun is not out as much and photosynthesis slows down!), then we picked up leaves that had already fallen down and adventured our way back to the golf course clubhouse.

When we arrived, we were welcomed with a table laid out with all the supplies needed to create the cutest Christmas tree ornament. The leaves we had gathered on the golf course were going to be used as imprints on the ornament. What a cute idea?!
The craft was simple, sweet, and such a memory maker. I absolutely loved mine! (I hung mine as soon as I got home.)
I used a few maple leaves and colored them the same as the leaves. That's right, you could even paint your ornament.
We all attached our chosen tag that said the date, Village Creek State Park, and "Happy Holidays!" to our ornaments. Not only was this program exciting and I learned a few things, but I had a token to take home with me. It was fantastic!
To top off the whole day, as I was driving home through the park I ran into a flock of turkeys. I counted at least 15 of them as I turned the corner. I tried to grab a video of a few of them gobbling in the forest, but I just wasn't fast enough.
The day was a wonderful and memorable start to the Christmas season for me. Arkansas State Parks employs many park interpreters who give scheduled programs for the public on a weekly, or sometimes daily basis. These opportunities enable you to come and connect to your state parks most of the time for free! While this event did cost me a few dollars ($5), a vast majority of parks offer free hikes, nature talks, or history programs for free. You can check out and go to events to see what is happening at the park closest to you.

While I used to work in a park setting, I no longer am a park professional. Instead, I get to contribute by volunteering, encouraging those people who still are, and contributing by expressing my ideas when I get the opportunity to. My passions are shown in different ways now. And that is the main reason why I've started this blog. I want to share my passion for the outdoors with anyone who will listen!
So I've set a goal for myself again this week. I want to put in 10 hours of volunteer work a month towards parks. This is such an easy task but requires me to prioritize my time for it.
Set your own goals at the end of this year. 2021 was almost as weird as 2020. Find your passion and take time to pour into it. And go give Arkansas State Park interpretive programs a try! You never know what might spark your interest.
So go outside and explore Arkansas!