I established Following the Fernweh at a moment in time that I needed to express my love for the outdoors. It has evolved now into a creative outlet for me to share my love for fly fishing, Arkansas and adventure. I'm honored to get to share my thoughts and adventures with you, as you read this.
I'm starting a diary series today to embark on a thoughtful journey that will hopefully inspire you to be outside and go on adventures (inspire + go). I'll be capturing weekly thoughts and adventures each week that I'd love for you to see.
So here's to a beginning!
Week of 3/18-3/23/2024
Sunday brought on new blooms and exploring my home. An exciting find was toothwart, a pretty flower with stunningly white blooms.

Monday and Tuesday were very productive days around the house. Ross and our friend/neighbor built a work bench for our gear room. I'm excited to get gear organized and hung up! Between fly fishing, camping, and other hobbies, the room will fill quickly.
The rest of the week consisted of little wins.
This week a new sweatshirt was delivered to me!

Drop a comment if you'd ever be interested in purchasing one of your own!
The hat was another fun delivery that my mom bought me from South Paw Sisters, a hat company out of Fort Smith, Arkansas. Thanks for adding the Following the Fernweh logo, girls!!

This past week, I started selling stickers on Etsy for Following the Fernweh! An exciting new adventure for sure, I've already sold a couple!
Click this link to purchase yours!

That's the update for this past week! Following the Fernweh is an adventure. I hope you find some in your life.
be inspired + go
Following the Fernweh
